Does My Child Need a Dental Filling?

April 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 3:56 am

Model showing stages of tooth decayYour child’s baby teeth are essential for their development. Losing a baby tooth too soon can affect their oral health and development negatively. The biggest threat to their dental health is tooth decay. Cavities are more common than childhood asthma, diabetes, and obesity. 21% of children between the ages of 2 and 5 have cavities and 51% of children aged 6-11 have tooth decay. White dental fillings are the go-to solution to treat decay. Unfortunately, cavities aren’t always visible. Although only a dentist can determine if your little one needs a dental filling, here’s how to spot the signs of tooth decay.


Cavity Conundrum: Do Baby Teeth Need Fillings?

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 10:31 pm
Parent and child learning about baby teeth fillings

As a parent, you have a lot going on, but you also want to do what’s best for your child. Taking every tiny oral health issue seriously can be exhausting, so many times you’re left wondering when you should take them to the dentist. Take cavities for example. Is a spot on their baby tooth worth the effort to fix immediately? After all, it’ll fall out eventually, right? Read on to learn more about primary teeth and why fillings are still vital for your child’s oral development!


Here’s Why You Should Get Those Fillings Early in the Year

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 8:40 pm
Child receives dental care

If your child hasn’t been to the dentist in a while, you may be worried that they’ll say they need fillings. While many people experience dread at the thought of these dental treatments, the truth is that getting them is completely painless and they can prevent further dental damage. In fact, waiting too long to get a filling can lead to a significant amount of pain or even tooth loss. Here’s why it’s a great idea to have your child’s cavities treated before the end of the year.


3 Types of Children’s Snacks for Cavity-Free Smiles

January 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 4:14 pm
a child eating a bagel

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that children snack regularly throughout the day, every two to three hours. This is because they’re incredibly active and growing, and it ensures that their body is getting enough nutrients to sustain that! However, the foods that they eat can impact more than just their growth—they can also lead to an increased risk in cavities. By encouraging them to snack smarter, you can keep your household cavity-free as well as support their development.


3 of the Most Common Reasons for Children’s Tooth Extraction

December 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 3:42 pm
a child visiting their dentist

It can be alarming to learn that your child might need to undergo dental work; especially if you’ve worked so hard to instill in them proper oral hygiene habits! However, in some cases, it might become necessary for your child to have one or more of their teeth extracted. While this might seem puzzling, you can rest assured that it’s always going to be in the best interest of your child. Continue reading below to learn more about a few instances when tooth extraction might be necessary for your child, along with why you don’t need to worry about this process at all!


A Parent’s Guide to Easing Your Child Through Tooth Extraction Recovery

November 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 7:46 pm
A child smiling and holding their tooth after a tooth extraction

Facing a tooth extraction can be a daunting experience for anyone, especially for children. As a parent, providing the right care and support during the recovery phase is essential for ensuring your child’s well-being. Not only will they likely be a little uncomfortable, but they may also not know how to feel about it.

If you need guidance, continue reading. Here are five ways to help your little one heal smoothly after a tooth extraction.


Must-Know Tips for Helping Your Child Overcome Their Fear of Tooth Extractions

October 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 8:24 pm
a child visiting their dentist

If your child’s dentist has recently informed you that they’re going to need one or more of their teeth extracted, you might not feel too concerned, as this is obviously intended to benefit their oral health—but your little one might have their doubts and fears! However, there’s a lot you can do as a parent to ensure that they enter this procedure with the utmost confidence and unparalleled bravery. Continue reading below to learn about three tips that can help you prepare your child for their upcoming tooth extraction.


Your Child May Not be a Dentist, But They Can Play One! 

September 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 8:28 pm
A child playing with a dental toy kit

It’s no secret that children learn best through play. It can ignite new interests and allow them to expand their imaginations. For enterprising parents such as yourself, play can also be used as a vessel for dental instruction! Starting their preventive education early can make a big difference. 

If you’re interested in some dental toys your child will love that can open the door to conversation, continue reading. Below you’ll find four awesome toys that can double as educational tools. 


5 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 10:56 pm
person about to undergo sedation dentistry

Sedation dentistry provides a comforting and relaxing solution for kids who experience dental fear or anxiety during their appointments. Additionally, it offers several other benefits for young patients, making it a valuable choice for parents seeking a more secure and comfortable dental experience for their children. Read on to explore five other groups of kids who can benefit from sedation dentistry.


Is Sedation Dentistry Really Safe for Children?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 5:14 am
A little boy receiving dental sedation

If your child fears the dentist, they may benefit from sedation dentistry. This field calms their nerves so they have a more comfortable dental treatment. Still, you might worry its sedatives could harm your little one. After all, is dental sedation safe for kids? Well, your Marietta pediatric dentist is here with the answer: dental sedatives are perfectly safe for youngsters. As proof, here’s a summary of why dental sedation works well on kids and how to make it smoother.

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