Children’s Drinks That Can Lead to Serious Cavities

May 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — woodlandpedo @ 4:53 am
Child drinking juice

One of the main issues that both pediatric dentists and patients worry about is cavities. Tooth decay is incredibly prominent among children, so ensuring the best possible oral health for your child often comes down to preventing serious cavities however you can.

It doesn’t help that many of the foods and drinks marketed to children are packed with sugar. Drinks in particular tend to be a problem, as this is a common cause of oral health problems that tends to go unnoticed. If you’re curious, here are some drinks that could cause problems for your teeth, and what alternatives might be better for your child.

What Kinds of Drinks Could Cause Cavities?

If you had to list the drinks that could cause serious problems for your child’s teeth, there are probably several that immediately come to mind. Soda is an obvious one—in addition to being loaded with sugar, the acidic nature of these drinks contributes to enamel erosion. This is to say nothing of the dark pigments that can discolor children’s teeth.

However, many types of fruit juice can be just as hard on your child’s teeth. Often times, many of the issues that apply to soda also apply to your typical apple or orange juice; they’re acidic, contain artificial colors, and are absolutely crammed with sugar. The same applies to the ultra-artificial “juices” like Capri-Sun, Kool-Aid, and Hawaiian Punch. Even if you’re telling your child to judiciously avoid sodas, these fruity drinks can be just as much of a problem.

What Should My Child Drink Instead?

Of course, the ideal thing for your child to drink from an oral health perspective is water. Not only is it sugar-free, but it will also help your kid stay thoroughly hydrated. This will stimulate saliva production, which is important for breaking down food and preventing cavities.

Milk is also an excellent choice for your child’s teeth. Fortified milk contains calcium and vitamin D, both of which support the health of the enamel.

And if your child insists on something sweet, be sure to grab 100% pure fruit juice. These are still full of sugar but tend to contain less of it than their artificial counterparts.

About Our Practice

At Woodland Pediatric Dentistry, our primary goal is to ensure the health and happiness of our patients. We know that it’s often easier to prevent dental disease than to treat it, so we place great importance on educating patients and their parents on how they can properly take care of their smile. This is in addition to the variety of services we offer in order to deal with oral health problems should they ever arise.

If you have any questions about how to prevent cavities in your child’s mouth, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (678) 498-2878.

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